Block 3. Spaces

Set of films
dir. Yannesh Meijman ("Hotel Mokum"); Marta Smerechynska ("One Aloe, One Ficus, One Avocado and Six Dracaenas"); Manuel Muñoz Rivas ("Aqueronte"); Jethro Westraad ("Love, Your Neighbour"); Olga Krüssenberg ("Isblink") / The Netherlands/2023 ("Hotel Mokum"); France, Ukraine/2023 ("One Aloe, One Ficus, One Avocado and Six Dracaenas"); Spain/2023 ("Aqueronte"); South Africa, Hungary/2023 ("Love, Your Neighbour"); Sweden/2024 ("Isblink") / 86 min
Welcoming and hostile. Those in which we have spent most of our lives and those that have become a safe haven. In this block, we explore different spaces that mark the boundaries of our world.
Hotel Mokum
duration: 30 min
country/year: The Netherlands/2023
director: Yannesh Meijman
cinematography: Sam Broekman
editor: Yannesh Meijman
production: Guusje van Deuren, Robin Alper / HALAL
selected festivals and awards: IDFA Amsterdam
“Hotel Mokum” is a documentary about a collective that squatted an abandoned hotel in Amsterdam.

“Hotel Mokum” is a documentary about a collective that squatted an abandoned hotel in Amsterdam. The collective transformed the hotel into a home, a refuge and an oasis in a city smothered by hypergentrification. At the height of its popularity, “Hotel Mokum” got evicted under the guise of fire safety. The story is rooted in protest against the housing crises and the criminalization of squatting. An intimate portrait of a hopeful collective and the city they are working to reclaim.

One Aloe, One Ficus, One Avocado and Six Dracaenas
duration: 8 min
country/year: France, Ukraine/2023
director: Marta Smerechynska
cinematography: Asma Benazouz, Sarp Uzunoglu
editor: Marta Smerechynska, Isidore Bethel
selected festivals and awards: 2023 – Visions du Réel Nyon
Packages from Ukraine – filled with everything and nothing – wait patiently under a bridge to be found in this heart-breaking farewell letter to Kiev.

What to take, what to leave? How important are material possessions when you’re trying to save your life? Packages from Ukraine – filled with everything and nothing – wait patiently under a bridge to be found, while a voice stirs memories of frivolous and treasured personal effects, in an apparent heart-breaking farewell letter to Kiev.

duration: 26 min
country/year: Spain/2023
director: Manuel Muñoz Rivas
cinematography: Mauro Herce, Manuel Muñoz Rivas
editor: Manuel Muñoz Rivas
production: Manuel Muñoz Rivas
selected festivals and awards: 2023 – IFF Rotterdam, 2023 – European Film Awards: European Short Film Nominee
On board a ferry, a series of passengers cross a river from one riverbank to the other. Some of the travelers wrap themselves in silence. Some others chat.

On board a ferry, a series of passengers cross a river from one riverbank to the other. Some of the travelers wrap themselves in silence and observe the unfamiliar fellow travelers or contemplate the scenery. Some others chat, perhaps to liven up the voyage and speed up time. The journey on the waters seems to expand, the destination shore is postponed, the magnitude of space is blurred. Motion itself is perhaps the only certainty.

Love, Your Neighbour
duration: 8 min
country/year: South Africa, Hungary/2023
director: Jethro Westraad
cinematography: Jethro Westraad
editor: Jethro Westraad
production: Attila Kékesi / DocNomads
selected festivals and awards: 2023 – IDFA Amsterdam
In his short, vignette-like film “Love, Your Neighbour”, Westraad shows how living in a high-security bubble in South Africa fuels racist prejudices and fear of the other.

During the COVID pandemic, everyone withdrew into their homes, and social interaction came to a virtual standstill. But in the neighborhood in Durban, South Africa, where filmmaker Jethro Westraad comes from, this was hardly any different from the normal situation. He realizes this when he returns home during the lockdown and sees with outsider’s eyes the way his neighbors live in isolation, barricaded behind high walls with barbed wire, security cameras and vicious guard dogs. There’s no opportunity to make contact with the neighbors – so Westraad tries it via the intercom. In his short, vignette-like film “Love, Your Neighbour”, Westraad shows how living in a high-security bubble fuels racist prejudices and fear of the other. The tone is light and ironic, but the message is serious. The title can be read as the loving conclusion to an appeal to neighbors, but without the comma as a commandment with biblical connotations.

duration: 14 min
country/year: Sweden/2024
director: Olga Krüssenberg
cinematography: Christine Leuhusen
editor: Olga Krüssenberg
production: Mario Adamson, Paulina Knobloch / Sisyfos Film Production
selected festivals and awards: 2024 – Rotterdam IFF
Climate change is reshaping even the sturdiest environments. Olga Krüssenberg focuses on the island of Svalbard and its citizens, who are surrounded by processes beyond their control.

On the Norwegian island of Svalbard, home to the world's northernmost permanent human settlement, time both stands still and is running out. In this meticulously shot study of how climate change is reshaping even the sturdiest environments, Olga Krüssenberg focuses on locals, who are surrounded by processes beyond their control and are forced to rethink the world they once knew.

Hotel Mokum
Hotel Mokum
dir. Yannesh Meijman, The Netherlands 2023, 30 min
One Aloe, One Ficus, One Avocado and Six Dracaenas
One Aloe, One Ficus, One Avocado and Six Dracaenas
dir. Marta Smerechynska, France, Ukraine 2023, 8 min
dir. Manuel Muñoz Rivas, Spain 2023, 26 min
Love, Your Neighbour
Love, Your Neighbour
dir. Jethro Westraad, South Africa, Hungary 2023, 8 min
dir. Olga Krüssenberg, Sweden 2024, 14 min

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